My heart is filled by capturing memories for families to share with generations to come.

My outfits are not complete without some sort of food smeared on my shoulder. 

Family heirlooms are so special to me - with my childhood photos being my favorite.

I love seeing the quirky things in life. I'm emotional, full of feelings, and like to live life with my glass half full. 

I'm an open book

fun facts

As a mother of 2 toddlers and a new babe, I understand the magic of motherhood. It is the most difficult but rewarding job I will ever have. "The days are long but the years are short" - this statement could not be any truer for me. Being a mother and keeper of the house, working full time, and tending to growing brains and emotions is a lot of work! But, when we are blowing out birthday candles yet again, it is hard to grasp where the time actually went. Soon enough, I will be looking at the that mischievous little grin in photographs while sitting in a quiet house. Photographs are my way to forever hold on to these fleeting moments ... hard moments, funny moments, the so incredibly pure. ♥︎ 


hi, i'M

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Can't Wait!

Ready to "press pause" on this stage of life?